Thursday, 7 February 2013

How Your Media Product Represents A Particular Social Group?


How Our Media Product Represents a Particular Social Group 

We wanted our media project to represent young men, similar to how they are represented in 'Reservoir Dogs' as it inspired us for our film idea. we have used the same idea for costume as you can see from the picture from 'Reservoir Dogs' and From scenes from 'Cold Game' showing each actor. The actors are both smartly dressed, wearing suits, shirts and tie. This represent the young men from the 80's who would normally dress in shirts and ties, it also stereotypical to see gangsters wearing suits, so we have used this idea to help us to represent the social group of young men.  
as you can see from the pictures, we have made the actors in our film represent young men by using the idea for costume from 'Reservoir Dogs' this makes them look older and mature, as you wouldnt see young people wearing suits, shirt and ties. as they would normallt be wearing casual clothing.
also the plot to our film follows the life of a gangster, showing how he joined the gang and up to his death. however in the clip you do not se him, as the his fellow gang member are visting his grave, which it will then flash back to show him life as a ganster. The plot helps to represent young men from the 80s as young people wouldnt be invloved in gangs, and it was normally young men who would join them.

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